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Busy Beever can give the reader a lot of facts about auctions, but we figured we would start this chat about the things that really excites the regular auction goer. What drives us to seek out auctions? What thrill do you get and what excites you about the auction moment? What is your main factor for choosing one auction over another? For us, the excitement surrounding and leading up to the auction we are holding is about many things. We enjoy the setup, of course. It is the finding of auction treasures and staging them for the auctioneer and public. We also enjoy the anticipation of bidding and being able to participate in the auction. Of course, if we have our eye on an auction piece we wonder if we will be able to bid high enough to win the prize. At estate sales, it’s the hunt but for auctions its more about the bidding process and feeling out other buyers as well as listing to the banter. Auction goers of all kinds listen in and wonder who may bid against them and for how much. This is where some excitement stems from. We have all seen the grouchy person that gets upset and bids us up, then the bidding war begins. There also is much excitement about pulling up to the auction and wondering exactly where your items are on the property. Sometimes companies have food trucks available but generally most serve things like chili dogs and fresh popcorn. This always adds to the atmosphere as everyone likes comfort food. Plenty of times we have all seen people wanting just one thing out of a box lot and another person is bidding on a completely different item in that lot. Sometimes these two folks sort out the box when the bidding is done and laugh over the process. For the most part, we see completely different people at our auctions versus our estate sales. This is because of the atmosphere and the bidding process, we believe. It takes a special type of person to stand around for hours and wait to bid on something you may or may not get. We also get bummed when we do not win our item but at the same time, there is still some joy just in the auction process itself. We have all seen an item go for much more at an auction than it was worth and some much less. This is also just part of the process and it’s another thrill as we shake our heads at the final bids. These bids are part of the excitement and letdown that the auctions can bring. The thrill of what is coming up next keeps some of us locked in. Let us not forget about the auctioneer’s tone and cadence. We get caught up in those voices sometimes as if nothing else in the world exists. We even have favorite auctioneers because of their cadence and auction style. At a large outdoor auction kicking back in my green lawn chair, eating a hot dog and listening to an auctioneer in the summertime are some of this writer’s fondest memories. Do you remember when you first received an auction bidding number? Remember the feel of the buying power and of that simple piece of paper or paddle? Or maybe you remember the junk guys that come and buy what seems like piles of trash? To them, there is a purpose for those items. We all collect many things as well as need items to fix a car or are missing a certain part of a childhood toy. These are the reasons we come to auctions and get giddy about the entire process. Yes, grown men even get giddy about an auction and what it may have in store for them. What is your sweetest find? Your most wonderful memory of an auction experience. What keeps you coming back and maybe even going to multiple a month? What keeps you coming back for more? I can say for me it’s the friendly faces and the adrenaline of the buy. Whatever your answers are we hope you will keep auctions alive and well. Even if you don’t spend a dime and come to just attend, attend them regularly if for nothing else but to make sure they survive. For companies like ours, these auctions are what pays the bills and put food on our table. 

Auctions and estate sales are in our blood. Most of our staff have been doing garage sales or doing auctions in some capacity since we were knee-high to a grasshopper. When you show up to buy at our estate sales or auctions we are excited to see you, new faces, and old but also appreciate the fact that you support our small business. We have made lifelong friends at these sales and will continue to do so. We need you Kansas City and appreciate your business as we continue to grow. Thank you for coming to shop with us and befriending us as well as being here through our learning and growing process. We couldn’t have done this without you Kansas City and are blessed to be along for the ride. We shall switch subjects as this author has gotten sappy remembering some of the great moments in our history. Hopefully, our readers will appreciate our human touch here as this is who we are. Let’s chat about the times and how they have changed. Who shops our auctions now? If some folks don’t want to attend a live auction or we cannot hold one for a client. What do we need to do to provide a different shopping experience? The obvious answer is online auctions. So here, on this page, you will find our link to a Busy Beever online auction.

We see fewer people than we used to and now with the generation buying change, auctions are not frequented by as many people. Simply put the older folks are dying and the younger folks do not want to attend. The younger generation is out shopping at Ikea, not auctions. Even the thrift shopping that we saw the new generation doing for a few years has slowed. We are not suggesting that the auction industry is dying. We just believe we need to adapt and reach out to the younger generation and invite them to a new experience. These auctions we hold have history and a part of our past. These items are true treasures and must be carried on, not deposited in a dump.

As you see here on this page Busy Beever has adapted and has started an online auction format to better serve our customers and clients. We will still offer onsite public auctions with all the pomp and circumstance so don’t fret. This new online format will allow the public to shop from the comfort of their homes, and we will still offer onsite viewing times and curbside pick-up. We are hearing some of you like to do that, lol. We know many companies have been holding online auctions for years, so we have to apologize for being old school and dragging our feet by not participating until now. We as a team are with the program now and realize the potential in online auctions. I think for the most part we didn’t want to add online auctions in the past to our list of services because of the atmosphere change. Online auctions felt cold and impersonal and we dreaded even talking about them. We now understand the need for them and have enjoyed setting up our very first. Change is good, and we have accepted the challenge head-on. With any company over time, things can get complacent. Introducing new things can break that up and create new excitement! At Busy Beever we always want to evolve, and our staff is always coming up with new ideas. This keeps our name fresh as well as our minds. This industry is growing and ever-changing. We see that even if our hearts are with the good old times and auctions of the past. So, whether you are shopping our onsite estate sales/auctions or are shopping with us online if you have a suggestion of how we can grow and or serve the public better please let us know. We would be happy to listen and implement forward-thinking ideas. Some new formats can start with a simple suggestion from a friend or auction goer. We listen, we learn, and we grow. Shoot us an email or call us anytime to comment or just simply ask us a question. Our staff are easy-going folks just like you, we are ready to listen and help.

We do a variety of things and are consistently growing. We now buy and sell homes as well as have this wonderful auction format for your ease and pleasure. We truly hope we have made this online auction process easy and straightforward. Let us know how we are doing by simply shooting us a text or give us a call.

We all have bumps in the road along the way. We will get through our bumps with care and your help. We truly feel we are here to serve people just like us that have the auction and estate sale bug. Buying and selling are what we do, and we feel we know your needs but do not always get everything exactly right. Let us know when we can improve a function on our auction format or a link is down on our site. We want the public to feel involved as well as you to feel our services are easy to use.

Feel free to give our staff pats on the back as well as tell them when they have nailed a project. These guys and gals are the hardest workers in the business. We are very proud of the work that they do. We enjoy feedback and working with each and every one of you. Remember we are human please be kind to our staff and others around you. We hope you enjoy these online auctions; estate sales or home sales and we will keep bringing them your way. As always, if you know someone that needs an auction or estate sale or simply just someone looking to sell their home, don’t hesitate to have them call us.

Our goal is to serve our communities around us, giving the best services and options available to suit everyone’s needs. Succeeding in this area alone will bring each of our staff at Busy Beever the fulfillment we search for in this business we love.